Milad is a PhD. student in Biomedical Engineering. He received his BS in Materials Science & Engineering from Sharif University of Technology. He transferred alongside Dr. Abidian from Pennsylvania State University. His PhD research is focused on development of biomaterials for drug delivery, neural interfaces and biomedical devices. He joined the lab in 2014.
Anthony is a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering. He previously earned a Bachelors Degree in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M in 2012. His current work involves characterization of conducting-polymer films, and developing a relationship between deposition parameters and resultant film properties. He joined the lab in 2016.
Mohammadjavad is a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering. He received his M.Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering from Sharif University of Technology. His research was focused on characterization of polyethylene blends which are widely used for manufacturing of irrigation pipes and geo-textiles. Besides, during his M.Sc. program, he has conducted a collaborative work on fabrication and characterization of a novel starch-based nanocomposite bone scaffold with a highly porous and gradient structure. He joined the lab in 2017.
Omid is a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering. He completed his B.S in Biomedical Engineering – Biomaterials at Amirkabir University of Technology. He was also a double major student in Polymer Engineering at AUT. His research was focused on the application of polymers in tissue engineering and drug delivery. He joined the lab in 2017.
Darya is a PhD student in Biomedical Engineering. She completed her BS in Biomedical Engineering – Biomaterials at Amirkabir University of Technology. Her research was focused on Microfluidic Synthesis and Characterization of Curcumin Loaded Chitosan Nanoparticles for Cancer Therapy Applications. She joined the lab in 2019.
Kartik is a Master student in Biomedical Engineering. He received his M.E in Mechanical Engineering from Thapar University in India. His research is focused on nerve tissue regeneration. He joined the lab in 2018.
Nihir is a master student in Biomedical Engineering. He received his BS in Biomedical Engineering from The Georgia Instute of Engineering with a focus in biomechanics. He also has a minor in Applied Physiology. His research is to use polymers for the application of drug delivery. He joined the lab in 2018.
Bhoomija is a master student in Biomedical Engineering. She received her BS in Biological Sciences from Louisiana State University. Her research is focused on NGF detection on polymer fibers. She joined the lab in 2018.
Jacob is an undergraduate student in Biomedical Engineering. His researched is focused on the characterization and optimization of hydrogel based conducting polymer fabrication. He joined the lab in 2016.