MohammadJavad and Omid successfully passed their qualification exams. Congratulations!
Darya joined the lab in PhD program. Welcome Darya!
Our lab presented a talk and two posters at Materials Research Society conference in Boston, MA.
Bhoomija has joined the lab in masters program. Welcome Bhoomija!
Our lab presented talk and a poster at IEEE EMBS, Honolulu Hawaii.
Mohammadjavad received The Cullen Fellowship Travel Grant from University of Houston. Congratulations!
Milad received The Cullen Fellowship Travel Grant from University of Houston for the second time. Congratulations!
Milad successfully passed his prospectus exam. Congratulations!
Martin successfully passed his PhD defense. Congratulations!
Mohammadjavad selected as an Open finalist in the EMBS Student Paper Competition at the 40th Annual International Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology in Hawaii.
Dr. Abidian co-organizes Symposium SM06—The Future of Neuroengineering—Relevant In Vivo Technology, At Materials Research Society, Spring meeting 2018 in Phoenix.
Kartik has joined the lab in masters program. Welcome Kartik!
Zhilin successfully passed her master defence. Congratulations!
Our lab presented a talk and a poster at Materials Research Society conference in Boston, MA.
Martin successfully passed his prospectus exam. Congratulations!
Nihir has joined the lab in masters program. Welcome Nihir!
Check out the video abstract about the lab research "Conducting Polymer Microcups for Organic Bioelectronics and Drug Delivery Applications". Congratulations to all the authors!
The video abstract is also available on YouTube.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .October:
Our recent research "Conducting Polymer Microcups for Organic Bioelectronics and Drug Delivery Applications" is featured on the cover of Advanced Materials.
Omid has joined the lab in PhD program. Welcome Omid!
Our paper entitled "Conducting Polymer Microcups for Organic Bioelectronics and Drug Delivery Applications" is published in Advanced Materials. Congratulations to all the authors!
Dr. Abidian co-organizes Symposium SM: Advanced Biomaterials for Neural interfaces, At Materials Research Society, Spring meeting 2017 in Phoenix.
Our lab presented two talks at Materials Research Society conference in Phoenix, AZ.
MohmmadJavad has joined the lab in PhD program. Welcome MohammadJavad!
Milad and Martin successfully passed their qualification exams. Congratulations!
Our lab presented a talk and a poster at Materials Research Society conference in Boston, MA.
Martin received The Cullen Fellowship Travel Grant from University of Houston. Congratulations!
Anthony has joined the lab in PhD program. Welcome Anthony!
Zhilin has joined the lab in Masters program. Welcome Zhilin!
Our lab presented a talk and a poster at Materials Research Society conference in Poenix, AZ.
Our lab presented a poster at Worlds Biomaterials Conference, Montreal Canada.
Milad received The Cullen Fellowship Travel Grant from University of Houston. Congratulations!
Milad and Martin's poster is selected as best poster nominee in MRS conference in Boston. Congratulations!
Our lab presented a poster at Materials Research Society conference in Boston, MA.
We moved to BME at University of Houston!
College of Engineering reports our NIH R01 award on neural tissue engineering based on combinatorial effects of multiple guidance cues
Penn State spotlights our recent NIH Award: $1.8M NIH grant will support study of nervous system's underlying communications
ScienceDaily highlightes our recent publication in Advanced Material: Conducting polymer films decorated with biomolecules for cell research use
Penn State press release on our recent publication in Advanced Materials: Hydrogel-Mediated Direct Patterning of Conducting Polymer Films with Multiple Surface Chemistries"
Dr. Abidian receives a NSF grant from BME Program to support Symposium AA at Materials Research Society, Spring Meeting 2014 in San Francisco!!
Dr. Abidian co-organizes Symposium AA: Advanced Multifunctional Biomaterials for Neuroprosthetic Interfaces, at Materials Research Society, Spring Meeting 2014 in San Francisco.
Our paper entitled "High Performance Conducting Polymer Nanofiber Biosensors for Detection of Biomolecules" in Advanced Materials is available online!
Our lab presents a talk at Materials Research Society in San Francisco, CA
Our lab presents two posters at Materials Research Society in San Francisco,CA
Our lab presents an abstract as a talk at Society for Biomaterials in Denver, CO
Dr. Abidian was awarded a single-PI NIH R01 grant for 5 years.
Our paper entitled "High Performance Conducting Polymer Nanofiber Biosensors for Detection of Biomolecules" is accepted for publications in Advanced Materials. Congratulations!
Our invited review article entitled "Organic and Inorganic Biomaterials for Neural Interfaces" is published in Advanced Materials. Congratulation to all the authors!
Our invited review article entitled "Organic and Inorganic Biomaterials for Neural Interfaces" is featured on the cover of Advanced Materials.
Our paper entitled "Hydrogel-Mediated Direct Patterning of Conducting Polymer Films with Multiple Surface Chemistries" is published on in Advanced Materials. This is a collaboration work with Dr. Sheereen Majd's group. Congratulations!
Our paper entitled"Hydrogel-Mediated Direct Patterning of Conducting Polymer Films with Multiple Surface Chemistries" in collaboration with Dr. Sheereen Majd's group is selected for the cover of Advanced Materials. Congratulation!
Pouria Fattahi and Guang Yang are honorably recognized for Star Award in Society for Biomaterials (SFB) at Denver, CO, April 15-19 2014. Congratulations!
Guang Yang Successfully Passed his candidacy exam. Congratulations!
October 23, 2013:
Lab's invited paper titled "A Review of Organic and Inorganic Biomaterials for Neural Interfaces" has been accepted to Advanced Materials!
September 28, 2013:
Guang and Raymond had poster presentations at the BMES Fall Meeting in Seattle.
September 27, 2013:
Pouria had a poster presentation at the BMES Fall Meeting in Seattle.
September 26, 2013:
Gloria had a poster presentation at the BMES Fall Meeting in Seattle.
September 17, 2013:
Pouria received the inaugural LAGOA, RAY and MONKOWSKI Graduate Award. Congratulations!
September 12, 2013:
Gloria received a scholarship from Korean American Scholarship Foundation. Congratulations!
September 10, 2013:
Gloria received a 2013 BMES Innovation and Career Development Travel Award. Congratulations!
September 3, 2013:
Pouria's paper titled "Microencapsulation of Chemotherapeutics into Monodisperse and Tunable Biodegradable Polymers via Electrified Liquid Jets: Control of Size, Shape, and Drug Release" was featured in the Penn State website and the Penn State News article. Click for the news here.
September 3, 2013:
Pouria's paper titled "Microencapsulation of Chemotherapeutics into Monodisperse and Tunable Biodegradable Polymers via Electrified Liquid Jets: Control of Size, Shape, and Drug Release" was featured on Cover of Advanced Materials. Click for the front cover here.
August 22, 2013:
Gloria passed her comprehensive exam, congratulations!
August 21, 2013:
Three abstracts got accepted for presentations to the MRS Fall Meeting in Boston.
August 5, 2013:
Gloria has been announced as a recipient of a NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium graduate fellowship.
July 11, 2013
Lab's work was highlighted in the Penn State Bioengineering Newsletter of the Spring/Summer 2013.
Click for the newsletter.
July 11, 2013
Abidian lab gets an abstract (Pouria) accepted to 2013 AIChE Annual Meeting! Congratulations!
July 11, 2013
Gloria got a monthly safety award (June, 2013) given by Materials Research Institute. Congratulations!
July 4, 2013
Pouria's paper "Microencapsulation of Chemotherapeutics into Monodisperse and Tunable Biodegradable Polymers via Electrified Liquid Jets: Control of Size, Shape, and Drug Release" was published online by Advanced Materials. Download the article here.
June 18, 2013
Three abstracts (Guang, Pouria & Gloria) got accepted for presentations at BMES 2013 Annual Meeting. Congratulations!
May 28, 2013
Morgan Killefer, a rising Junior at Hastings College joined the lab as part of the National Science Foundation-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program. Welcome to the lab!
April 22, 2013
Congratulations to Pouria receiving the STAR student award for the Society of Biomaterials!
April 21, 2013
Pouria and Gloria won third place for Material Visualization Competition at Penn State.
Click for their Image.
April 16, 2013
Pouria won a best oral presentation award at the College of Engineering Research Symposium. Congratulations!
April 1, 2013
Gloria presented her work at the 2013 Bioengineering Symposium at Penn State.
April 1, 2013
Pouria and Guang presented their posters at the 2013 Bioengineering Symposium at Penn State.
April 1, 2013
Raymond received the PSU Summer Discovery grant. Congratulations!
March 25, 2013
Gloria won third place for her poster in the Engineering Category at the 28th PSU Annual Graduate Exhibition. Congratulations!
Jan 24, 2013:
Three abstracts (Gloria, Pouria & Guang) got accepted for presentations to the Society For Biomaterials 2013 Annual Meeting in Boston.
Jan 9, 2013:
Three abstracts (Gloria, Pouria & Guang) got accepted for oral presentations to the MRS Spring Meeting in San Francisco.
June 22, 2012:
Congratulations to Gloria for passing her candidacy exam!
April 19, 2012:
Kelly received the Leighton Reiss Graduate Fellowship.
April 11, 2012:
Pouria gave a talk at the Materials Research Society Spring Meeting in San Francisco.
April, 2012:
Prof. Abidian was invited as a plenary speaker and Kelly was invited as a distinguished student speaker for the 3rd Advanced Study Institute on Global Healthcare Challenges in Antalya, Turkey for Summer 2012.
March 25, 2012:
Pouria won third place prize in the College of Engineering category for his poster presentation at the PSU Graduate Research Exhibition.
March 24, 2012:
Gloria won third place prize for her poster presentation at the Penn State Institute of the Neurosciences Retreat.
March, 2012:
Prof. Abidian received courtesy appointments in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering and the Department of Chemical Engineering.
January 13, 2012:
Congratulations to Kelly for passing her candidacy exam!
August, 2011:
Gloria Kim joined the lab. Welcome, Gloria!
October 20, 2011:
Abidian lab is enjoying their move to the new Millennium Science Center!
August 15, 2011:
Congratulations to Pouria for passing his candidacy exam!
July 15, 2011:
Prof. Abidian was a plenary speaker at the 2nd Advanced Study Institute on Global Healthcare Challenges in Antalya, Turkey.
May 12, 2011:
Kelly received an NSF Fellowship to attend the 10th International Summer School on Biocomplexity July 3-9 in Istanbul, Turkey.
April 28, 2011:
Neurochemical Biosensing work was presented at IEEE EMBS in Cancun, Mexico.
April 28, 2011:
Congrats to Kelly for receiving an NSF Fellowship Travel Award for the IEEE EMBS Neural Engineering Conference.
April 27, 2011:
Prof. Abidian gave a talk at MRS Spring Meeting in San Francisco.
April 13, 2011:
Poster was presented at Biomaterials Conference in Orlando.
February, 2011:
The lab's first paper was accepted in IEEE EMBS.
January, 2011:
Pouria Fattahi and Kelly Layton joined the lab! Welcome to the lab!